The very first Making Historical Dress Conference explored how different ideas about making and researching historical costume and craft intersect.
This section features the articles I have written about History.
Some of the articles are based on essay research for my MA Heritage Theory and Practice, while others are my response to developments in the sector. It also features my reviews of some of the heritage sites I’ve visited.
Try using the filters to find essays on specific topics or use the search bar at the top of the site.
The very first Making Historical Dress Conference explored how different ideas about making and researching historical costume and craft intersect.
There are more and more ways a person can describe their gender. Its common for those scared by these developments to reference back to a past where things were simpler. In reality, those in the past also viewed gender as a spectrum, just like we are moving back to today.
My exhibition found stories about clothing – seeing how and what they showed about gender.
Fashion trends return to the same idea and values almost every 100 years. They may have different presentations but there's definitely a repetitive fashion loop.